5 Things Every Business Should Know Before They Buy or Lease Their Vehicles. Please fill out the form to download the PDF.
As we become more accustomed to “the new normal” we are searching to find some regularity and consistency in our day-to-day lives. Businesses are operating differently. More employees are working from home, and transportation has changed in a significant way. Many businesses are still trying to figure out their place in this new norm, especially those that utilize vehicles to deliver goods and provide services.
Driver safety as well as keeping customers safe is important. Below are some tips on how to keep your drivers, customers, and their families safe:
Vehicle maintenance is also important during this time due to social distancing paired with having to make appointments and taking extra precautions while getting vehicles serviced. Make sure to have your drivers plan their maintenance and services in advance.
The human element will always play a role in business and in our lives. Humans have compassion and love. We were never meant to be completely isolated from each other. But it is also important to be safe and protect those most vulnerable. Let us stop the spread and get back to normal as soon as possible!